Costa Alegre Properties - La Manzanilla View Property

~ # 053 ~ SOLD

view from property
This very reasonably priced property is mostly flat with easy access from the road which makes construction of your home very easy and less expensive. The beautiful ocean, town, lagoon and sunset views you see here are from the back of the property at ground level, you can imagine how spectacular the view must be from the front of the home you will build!

One of the best features of this land is your view will not be blocked by any new construction as the houses in front are below the view line and already built. Only 4 minute walk to the beach and 6 minute walk to central La Manzanilla.

going up the road.
This is heading up the hill, the property is on the right side with the property lines marked in red.

List price (which includes all commissions and Ejido fees) $44,600 usd

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