Costa Alegre Properties - Boca de Iguanas Land

# 029 - page 1

Kim bought one hectare of property (which is 100 meters by 100 meters) in the year 2002.

The land was all virgin Jungle so thick with palms and trees that you could hardly walk through it!

He cleared a place for a house (see page 2) and has the foundation, the septic and the water well are in place.

He is now in the process of clearing the land by hand! No big tractors will be used so that the natural landscape can be preserved, no big trees will be cut. You can see a sample of some of the big trees that are on the land on the right. This photo does not do justice to just how big these trees really are.

Most of the palms are being cut in a way that allows them to grow back. As it is now there are so many of them and they are so big that they totally block out the sun!

Kim is seling one double lot 40 meters by 30 meters in order to raise the cash to finish the house. This is you chance to get some prime property at a great price!
One of the big trees on the property
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